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Mortgage Rates Jump to 7 Year High - 4.75% ☹️

Mortgage Rates Jump to 7 Year High - 4.75% ☹️

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Home Ownership Rates On The Rise

Chief Economist, Dr. Ralph McLaughlin, in his VUE Blog gave these new homeownership numbers some context:

“The trend is clear: the homeownership rate has been ticking up for five consecutive quarters, and the number of new renter households has fallen for four consecutive quarters. Owner-occupied households grew by 1.345 million from a year ago, while the number of renters actually fell by 286,000 households. 

The fact that we now have four consecutive quarters where owner households increased while renter households fell is a strong sign households are making a switch from renting to buying. This is a trend that multifamily builders, investors, and landlords should take note of.” 

In a separate article comparing the rental population in America to the homeowner population, also concluded that the gap is now shrinking:

“The U.S. added 1.3 million owner households over the last year and lost 286,000 renter households, the fourth consecutive quarter in which the number of renter households declined from the same quarter a year earlier. That could pose challenges for apartment landlords, who are bracing this year for one of the largest infusions of new rental supply in three decades.” 

America’s belief in homeownership was also evidenced in a survey conducted by Pew Research. They asked consumers “How important is homeownership to achieving the American Dream?”

The results:

  • 43% said homeownership was essential to the American Dream
  • 48% said homeownership was important to the American Dream
  • Only 9% said it was not important


Essex County Housing Report April 2018

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Essex County Housing Report March 2018

To view data for every Essex County town, go to: 

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U.S. Employers Added 313,000 Jobs in February, 4.1%, unemployment rate

U.S. Employers Added 313,000 Jobs in February

At 4.1%, unemployment rate held at 17-year low

Essex County Housing Report February 2018

To view data for every Essex County town, go to: 

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Essex County Housing Report January 2018

To view data for every Essex County town, go to: 

To dowload the full Housing Report go to:


Where Americans Are Moving To?

Percentage of Home with Positive Equity and Substantial Equity, 20%+

95.6% of MA Homes have Positive Equity and 86.5% have 20% or more equity in their homes.

This puts MA homeowners in a good position to move to a new home. 


MA Days On Market Drops Below 30