The Rotenberg Team William Raveis North Shore Real Estate Experts
Sima Rotenberg
Sima Rotenberg, REALTOR®
Multi-Million Dollar Producer
Top 10 Broker in Swampscott ~ 2022


Essex County Housing Report June 2021

One year after Covid-19 decimated our economy & jobs,  May median prices up an astounding 29.6% for Single Families, 20.9% for Condos and 26.5% for Multis from last May.  Year over Year Active listings continue to plunge.

          Month Over Month, May 2021 vs April 2021

  • Median Sales Prices Up Strongly:

    Single Families +5.7%; Condos +10.2%; Multi-Families +1.1%

  • Unit Sales Up for Singles and Condos Down for Multis: â€¨ Single Families +14.3%, Condos +8.1%, Multi-Families -4.8%.

  • Active Listings Still Falling:

    Single Families -0.2%, Condos -12.4%, Multi-Families -10.0%

    Year Over Year, May 2021 vs May 2020 Up Sharply from Depressed Covid Sales - not sustainable

  • Median Sales Prices Sharply Higher: â€¨

    Single Families +29.6%; Condos +20.9%; Multi-Families +26.5%

  • Unit Sales Hot: â€¨

    Single Families +18.2% , Condos +70.9%, Multi-Families +46.3%.

  • However, Active Listings Continue to Plunge:

    Single Families -49.9%; Condos -41.0%; Multi-Families -22.5%

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